What Activities we should teach kids at specific age groups

Age (Months)Developmental MilestonesSuggested Activities to Improve Milestones
1Smiling, grasping objects– Gentle face-to-face interaction
– Provide soft toys for grasping
– Gently move baby’s hands towards objects
2Lifts head, follows objects– Tummy time
– Move toys in front of their face
– Use bright and contrasting colored toys
3Rolls over, coos– Encourage rolling with toys
– Talk and sing to baby
– Place baby on a blanket and gently roll them from side to side
4Laughs, reaches for objects– Play peekaboo
– Hold toys within reach
– Make funny faces and sounds to elicit laughter
5Sits with support, babbles– Support baby in sitting position
– Encourage babbling with sounds
– Use interactive books with different textures
6Begins solids, responds to name– Introduce baby-safe foods
– Use baby’s name frequently
– Offer a variety of tastes and textures in solid foods
7Crawls, stands with support– Encourage crawling with toys
– Provide sturdy support for standing
– Use obstacle courses with cushions
8Waves, says “mama” and “dada”– Practice waving
– Encourage simple words repetition
– Use picture books and point to familiar people or objects
9Cruises furniture, points to objects– Place toys on low furniture
– Encourage pointing by showing objects
– Use stacking toys or blocks on low tables
10Says a few words, walks with support– Hold hands to support walking
– Encourage word repetition
– Use push toys to aid walking practice
11Drinks from a cup, follows simple commands– Offer a cup for drinking
– Give simple instructions to follow
– Use fun, colorful cups and simple, clear commands like “come here”
12Walks independently, says several words– Encourage walking with safe spaces
– Use simple, clear words
– Play games that involve following directions
Age (Months)Developmental MilestonesSuggested Activities to Improve Milestones
12Walks independently, says several words– Provide safe spaces for walking
– Encourage word usage through conversation
– Play with interactive toys that ask questions
18Runs, kicks a ball, says several words, begins to sort shapes and colors– Play running games
– Practice kicking a ball
– Use shape sorters and color games
– Create obstacle courses for running and climbing
24Climbs well, uses sentences with 2 to 4 words, follows simple instructions, begins to play make-believe– Provide safe climbing opportunities
– Encourage sentence formation with questions
– Give simple instructions to follow
– Engage in pretend play with costumes and props
30Pedals a tricycle, walks up and down stairs, understands the concept of “mine” and “yours”, can dress and undress self– Provide a tricycle for pedaling
– Practice stair climbing with supervision
– Teach concepts of ownership with toys
– Encourage dressing and undressing with simple clothes
– Use role-playing games to understand “mine” and “yours”
36Hops and stands on one foot, uses 4- to 5-word sentences, plays cooperatively with other children– Practice hopping games
– Encourage longer sentences through storytelling
– Arrange playdates to promote cooperative play
– Play games that involve taking turns and sharing

1 thought on “What Activities we should teach kids at specific age groups”

  1. We should teach children all these things mentioned above and tell them about everything this . Tell them about good touch and bad touch. Tell them that do not talk to strangers and raise them well .

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